Who are we? 

Vibehood is an organization for the real people with an interest in self-improvement, philosophy and spirituality. Here to support seasoned warriors as well as complete beginners only just entering the unknown. Ready for more? Subscribe to our blog and podcast on substack to access content on a whole range of mind-blowing topics. Enroll in a course to dive deep into a specific area and bring your understanding to the next level. We invite members to a private group chat to share their thoughts and expericences as well as regular group calls where we network and develop together. You can also follow our social media to keep up to date with our news and activities.

Originally, Vibehood was intended to be a youth group for those who were seeing spirituality, New Age, witchcraft and the like coming into fashion, who were curious to learn more but weren't sure where to start. While these are interesting topics, they require an education of if we want to stay protected and start to create our own magic. We’re seeing wizards and witches appear in pop culture and fiction all the time now, when in reality very few of these characters resemble real life magic practitioners. Real people may not fly on broomsticks or turn others into frogs, but we do  utilise the energies all around us and co-create with life itself. Equally, buying crystals, buddha statues, using manifestation and practicing yoga is becoming very trendy, but what does it actually mean? Are you doing it just because it feels good or because it serves a role in improving yourself and the world around you? We’re going to be doing a lot of myth-busting and setting people onto the path of true freedom, should they wish to take it.

Ready to raise the vibes? Follow our links as you wish or simply drop us a line to hello@vibehood.life

What is on offer?

Online community. Join our telegram or whatsapp groups to connect with likeminded people, have insightful conversations, share your thoughts, experiences and interesting links. We will keep you up to date with what's happening in Vibehood and set up video calls where you can choose what topics to talk about. We hope to grow the community so that eventually we can organize some live meetings too.

Blog and Podcast. We have a blog on Substack for as little as £4 per month, ranging from esoteric knowledge to simple tips on making your life better. A few guests have been lined up to speak for our upcoming podcast. They will be sharing their unique angle in different topics, ready to be recorded.

Mentoring. We're here for anyone who's struggling to get over a certain hurdle or needs a safe place to speak about their feelings. Equally, we can offer advice to those who already feel good but seek to reach the next level. Each call is individual to your needs and will be delivered in a down-to-earth way. Prices depend on what each person feels they are able to donate, rather than a one-model-fits all.

Oracle card reading. Got a burning question or need guidance in a particular area? Divination cards are a useful tool in being able to find more clarity - of course, accepting that these can't provide all the answers, as this would defeat the point of being responsible for our own choices. We can offer an individual reading using 2 decks of Goddess and Earth Alchemy cards (NB. not traditional tarot.)

Courses. We are currently developing a structure to give our followers all the necessary tools they need to feel lively and on top of themselves. This does not involve long-term commitment or high fees, as with most traditional self-help courses. Instead, you will be paying only on a week-by-week basis, as and when you know you can be available.

How do I apply?

Our main line of communication is by email. Please message hello@vibehood.life to request any services.

Joining link to Whatsapp group

A mentoring session or card reading

Register interest for upcoming courses

~ claim back your energy

~ morning routine

~ prayer and meditation techniques

Vibe + Hood


  1. a person's emotional state or the atmosphere of a place as communicated to and felt by others.
  2. "we've been picking up some bad vibes on that guy"


  1. enjoy, dance to, or feel inspired by music.
  2. "he shared a video of himself vibing to a song"​
  3. transmit or give out (a feeling or atmosphere).
  4. "he vibed pure hate in my direction"


Every human being is a living, breathing field of energy. Your body is made of particles that are in constant motion as they “vibrate” and create energy—this is referred to as your vibrational field. These energy fields aren’t just physical. They’re also spiritual and help determine how you perceive the world and how others see you.



  1. a substantive suffix denoting a condition or state of being. Child - childhood 
  2. a substantive suffix denoting a group sharing a specified condition or state. brother - brotherhood  neighbour - neighbourhood

Adult + hood = Adulthood. The condition of being fully grown
Brother + hood = Brotherhood. The relationship between brothers
Neighbour + hood = Neighbourhood. A district or community within a town or city


  1. a neighbourhood, especially one in an urban area.
  2. "I've lived in the hood for 15 years"

Vibes: bring the energy, the laughter, the life force that powers your creativity

Hood: the chill part, the quiet time that comes with reflection, winding down

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